It's Alive! | Transmission 10.5.21
This website has been resurrected with some modern edits! Enjoy!

TWATech Episode Tomorrow | Transmission 4.9.06
On 4.10.06, I will have my third TWATech Radio episode released. I barely got it in today because my ISP was having troubles, but it looks like they've gone away. Anyhow, it's going to be about the Linksys NSLU2, the embedded device that I use to run my server at home.

Haha! | Transmission 3.27.06
Why does it seem like I never update my website? Well, here I go. I placed first in Cisco Systems Administration and first in Network Design Team. Now it's on to Orlando for nationals. The school year is coming to a close soon. I'm on spring break right now, which it's about time. I've not programmed a thing and have been doing this and that. I've setup the home phone to connect to my network at home so that I can call in over the net using Asterisk to run the PBX. I've also been fine tuning my server and getting more familiar with command line Linux. I'll update and get back here with some more info sometime this week.

Quick Update | Transmission 2.2.06
So, BPA regionals have been held. I placed fourth in open events, which is okay, considering alot of people take open events. Grats to everyone else that placed. Now on to state!

I'm now playing EverQuest, which is taking a great deal of my time, so I've not been doing much. But, the only good news I have is that thelament.config is coming back! We're almost ready to begin recording again and we'll have new shows up soon. If you've forgotten the link,

Status | Transmission 1.18.06
Well, it's been a while since I've gave an update, so here you go. I'm well into Cisco semester two now. Another Java class with data structures this time. And I get to sit around all of Block B or work on computers or something. Alot of people have complained about Bash not working, so I've added a link with it to help out. I'm also in works to try to switch from C++ Programming to Cisco Systems Administration for BPA this year. I've realized I didn't have as much desire to program as I thought I did, so I'm moving to the networking world. One last thing. I'm now a member of TWAT, a radio community released a short podcast everyday and explores the depths of hacking. I say this because my show was released today, so go back and find it. Like I said, TWAT is a radio community, so feel free to create your own show and send it in. If you're interested,

Bash! | Transmission 12.12.05
Bash, the awesome white board game, is now available for the computer. It is my VB.NET project and took me around a month to code, so enjoy it.

New Game! | Transmission 11.28.05
I've finally coded Presidents! The beta version 1.0.0 is released now, along with source for all those interested. 741 lines of code.

Please, let me know of any bugs that you come across. I'm sure you will. The more input I get from people playing the game, the easier I can fix it. Just email me, or better yet, post in the forum and just give a brief description of what messed up. I should be able to fix it from there.

I'll also have another really good game coming up soon so check back.

New Pic | Transmission 11.15.05
So, as you probably noticed, there's a new banner. Yeah. I also did a wifi network scan today and posted the results under "Downloads". I'm still scrambling around constantly everyday doing whatever feels best at the moment, so no real work is being done much.

Update | Transmission 10.24.05
Well, I figured if Face is going to do an update, I could at least post news. I've not really worked on Presidents. Oh well. I've set up a Ubuntu box to learn a little bit more of Linux than just command line. The podcast is still going, but we apologize for the very bad quality of episode five. That won't happen again, unless we do a group podcast, which is actually scheduled for November 2 on social engineering. Also, I'll probably mention it next time, but the way podomatic is set up is that it'll play the podcast very fast on the count of how I encode it. Just download it first, then play, and everything will be fine. Anyhow, I've work to do and random things to conquer. Until next time.

All Problems Solved | Transmission 8.30.05
Well, to say the least, I'm in deep into computers every single school day that I think I may want to avoid them at all costs by the time this semsester ends..

Other than that, I've posted a new poem labeled "No Desire." It's the first I've written in a long while and probably well needed.

I waste my time alot modding my router and seeing what neato things I can make it do. Perhaps I'll put some kinda of how-to or projects up one day, but for now, I think that PNIE, Visual Basic, Java, and Cisco will own my soul.

Long Time, No See | Transmission 7.30.05
Yeah, so I've been back awhile. I got into other projects. I add source for a small guessing program I made in Florida, but it uses classes and encapsulation, so it's a little more complicated than normal. I also made yet another banner, considering I had my hair cut. Anyhow, school starts back soon and I'll have some programming classes, so more source code will pour out then.

Vacation | Transmission 6.29.05
I know its been a long time since I've updated, but I'll be going on vacation tomorrow. Hopefully, that will leave me plenty of time to start some sort of program to work on. If not, I'll just learn what I can. I'll have internet access every now and then, so I'll keep everyone up to date on my blog. The next time I'll have an update here, though, will probably when I get back in about three weeks. See everyone then.

Update | Transmission 5.26.05
Working desperately until Charter figures out what they're going to do with the cable internet networks so that I may possibly rehack my modem back. They've took it away somehow and I can't even "see" my modem on the main network. Once I know that's over with, I've came up with a way to host a website on a WRT54G Linksys router, so I'll probably host it from one, my own. Until next time.

Magic | Transmission 4.28.05
Working on a couple things. Trying to develop a way to getting my magic out and what not. I'll update when I have some better news.

Pics! | 4.28.05
[edit] Well, I thought I could get them to download, but I can't. These webhosts with ads and upload quotas suck. You can never do what you need to get done. Until I can find something, just get ahold of me if you want to see the pics and I'll be glad to send them to you.. In further news, I should be able to post version 0.0.4 by the end of tonight before I do any further work on it. I finally sorted through and got the pictures converted and now they are available to download. Size of the zip file is around 2.25 MB.

Anaheim Pics!

I'm Back | 4.26.05
I'm finally back and tired as heck. I just woke up cause I've been up all night long pretty much, besides the sleep on the plane. I did get some work done on Presidents while I was there. I've almost got the player 1 stuff done, but bugs keep popping up all the time. Anyhow, I'll update a little later about everything else when I have energy.

California | 4.22.05
It is now 1 in the morning and in two and a half hours, I'm getting up to head out to California for the BPA competitions. I will be competing in C++ and also other open events that they may have, like Information Technology Concepts and Administrative Support Concepts. I've placed in both of these open events before, IT Concepts was 5th at regionals and AS Concepts was fourth at state. Hopefully, if luck permits, I'll place at something, even if it is fifth. While I'm not competing though, I will be working on Presidents and hopefully, internet access will be free at the hotel. I will be taking my camera, so I will have pictures whenever I come back on Tuesday. Until then, I bid thee farewell.

Quick Update | 4.12.05
I should have Presidents version 0.0.4 at least posted within a couple days. It needs a bit more work. I also installed Solaris today, but I'm having some problems with the video card in CDE mode, but OpenWindows works just fine. I'll see what I can do to fix it so I can start to program in Unix.

Rawr | 4.4.05
I'm on spring break this week, so I might be able to get something done. I've screwed up the Presidents code somehow, so now I'll have to start again with the 0.0.3 code. I'm also trying to get Solaris to work, but I can't. If I can get it set up and learn how to Unix program, then that would be awesome..

Update | 3.21.05
Version 0.0.3 has been released. I'm almost done, just some tidying up with player one and to do the rest of the CPU players. If I actually get in a working mood, I could pull an all dayer and get it finished sooner. I'll let everyone know whenever I get the game completely finished.

More Presidents Source Code | 3.15.05
Version 0.0.2 has been released for the Presidents card game. I'm nearly finished. I have to finish up the players and go back and debug. I think what I will do is that if everyone enjoys the game and people download it, I'll make the game even better and add card graphics and such. I've also updated the Music section. I currently have 513 songs now.

First Presidents Source Code | 3.10.05
I've released a sneak peak at the Presidents game I am creating. Feel free to look at it, even if you don't understand it. It's under Projects.

Also, some good news. I placed fourth in Administrative Support Concepts and third in C++ programming. I'm able to go to nationals. I did very well and better than I expected. Dedication and hard work does pay off. I'm getting first in C++ next year.